By: David Neishabori

AZADI Fine Rugs/Bella Fine Goods Kick off Annual “Living is Giving” Turkey Drive
This October, AZADI Fine Rugs and BELLA Fine Goods kick off their annual “Living is Giving” campaign and pledge to donate turkeys to those less fortunate this holiday season. In addition, for each visit anyone makes to AZADI Fine Rugs and BELLA Fine Goods during the month of October, an additional turkey will be donated on their behalf.
“This year AZADI and BELLA are donating turkeys in AZ to St. Mary’s Food Bank and The Sedona Community Food Bank, in WY to Teton Youth & Family Services, and in CO Telluride Angel Baskets. We are honored to offer our support to the local charities in the communities where we are located, and we hope that our contributions will impact many families in need this holiday season” says AZADI/BELLA owner, David Neishabori.
AZADI Fine Rugs is committed both locally and globally to supporting communities that they see as their extended family. They believe that part of building a business is building a legacy of giving. Through their involvement with local charities AZADI & BELLA assist people in need and provide hope for a brighter future.
AZADI/BELLA is weaving a brighter future for humanity around the world and is committed to resourcing high-quality products that are produced by female weavers and artisans. Procuring these items; including authentic Navajo rugs, handwoven baskets from the Wounaan tribe of the rainforest, and fine rugs from weaving centers in war-torn areas of Afghanistan, gives women the opportunity to work outside the home and become financially independent.
AZADI Fine Rugs is certified and recognized globally as a child-labor-free rug company. Their purpose is creating worldwide beauty with an unforgettable experience. Established in 1790, AZADI Fine Rugs is known as the oldest purveyor of fine rugs in the world. They still operate from this over 200-year tradition, passed along through each generation of this family-owned business, of passion, respect, and gratitude for all whom they serve.
For more information, please call AZADI Fine Rugs at 480.483.4600.
Visit AZADI Fine Rugs in the following locations: (AZ, CO, WY, and by appointment… anywhere in the U.S.A.)