By: David Neishabori

You might envision a ski lodge setting or some lavish log cabin in the mountains of Colorado. Well, you aren’t entirely wrong. Modern mountain decor incorporates local materials, a warm pleasing palette, lovely exposed craftsmanship, open floor plans, and minimal maintenance. Another reward of the trend is large windows. Think of it like this, you want to let the outdoors inside. Bring the beauty of the forest, mountains, or desert right into your home by having large windows.
Mountain Modern Home Design
Within any modern-mountain decor focused home it is all about layout. You do not want a cluttered floorplan. Things should feel expansive and roomy. Usually, the living, dining, and kitchen are all located on the main floor with the master bedroom. There is often a central staircase that leads up to a game room, bunk room, and guest rooms. The upper level usually has an overlook down onto the expansive lower floor.
Keeping the Decor Local
In the past “mountain men” would decorate their cabins using local items that they incorporated into the theme of their humble homes. Modern mountain decor does the same thing. Natural elements such as native cut timber and locally quarried stones are just two things that can be added to the home. Usually, the wood, such as oak or Douglas fir, is left untreated for a truly natural appearance. The trusses of the home and other items that went into the structure’s construction are often left exposed. It is common to openly see steel hardware that holds the trusses in place. The floors can be concrete or wood. Either floor substance should be covered using a muted handwoven rug that renders a natural appearance.
It’s all About the Windows
As mentioned above, the windows of mountain decor take center stage. They give the home a modern feel that combines well with a rustic look. The windows often lack frames because the focus should be on looking out and not inward.
Doors Make a Statement
The doors are often large wood slabs. Even barn doors that slide on a track are favorable. The doors all have a smooth design so that nothing is too complicated. Instead, everything should look smooth and seamless.
Incorporate Furnishings Made From Natural Materials
The MODERN Furniture Collection, brought to you exclusively by AZADI Fine Rugs, is influenced by traditional techniques and hand-crafted with the revolutionary sustainable product Palmwood. Discover original masterpieces, influenced by artisans from across the globe that are perfectly suited to you MOUNTAIN MODERN lifestyle.

Lighting Within Your Home
You don’t want large areas that are lit in your house. Instead, you want to create alcoves of soft glow. You can use LEDs that are focused and easily controlled to create a comfortable and warm living space.

Mixing Eco-Friendly Sustainable Textures
There are many sustainable and recycled materials that you can incorporate into your mountain decor. A hemp or jute rug is ideal. You can also turn to recycled glass or quartz if you want a bit of bling or sparkle.
Mountain Modern Rugs
There isn’t just one style of rug appropriate for mountain-modern decor. Southwest style rugs and Navajo designs are wildly popular in mountain-modern decor, as are Moroccan designs, and hair-on-hide designs.

Natural and Neutral Hues
The home should boast ample natural wood and stone accents. Such beauties of Mother Nature look best when paired with neutral hues. Think about using whites, blues, grays, reds, greens, yellows, and white. Such shades are found naturally in the world so will look fabulous in your home. It creates a warm and cozy feeling. Pastels should always be avoided. A neutral rug laid across the floor provides not only a focal point but also a feeling of harmony.
Landscaping is Important
Many people do not think about landscaping as a part of the ‘decor,’ but it truly is essential when it comes to everything ‘mountain’. Ideally, you should think about how Mother Nature wanted space to truly look. Plant your yard in native grasses and shrubs that thrive with no care because they were created to grow freely in the home’s location. Douglas fir, oaks, aspen, ponderosa pines, and Tamaracks are just a few that you might want to consider planting around your home. Also, don’t overlook using native boulders and rocks to line your flowerbeds, foundation, deck, or other areas. Once your yard has been landscaped, it is time to take your living space outdoors. A deck or patio is the perfect place to entertain. You can use radiant heaters to turn a crisp evening into a comfortable space. An outdoor fire pit also provides perfect ambiance.
Successful modern mountain decor is about looking around at the world outside your door and then welcoming in key components that truly highlight your space and make it unique without going overboard. In many ways, it is a celebration of nature. However, you are also not sacrificing the modern essentials that make life so wonderful. Instead, you are blending the lines to create flow from nature into your trendy and modern lifestyle.
Please visit one of AZADI’s rug galleries to pick the perfect modern mountain décor rug for your home.
Visit AZADI Fine Rugs in the following locations: (AZ, CO, WY, and by appointment… anywhere in the U.S.A.)
AZADI Fine Rugs In Scottsdale: (480) 483-4600
AZADI Fine Rugs In Sedona: (928) 203-0400
AZADI Fine Rugs In Jackson Hole (307) 734-0169
AZADI Fine Rugs In Telluride: (970) 728-4620
AZADI Navajo Rugs in Sedona: (928) 203-0620
The AZADI Story
David Neishabori is a sixth-generation owner of the oldest rug weaving company in the world. He came to the United States at the age of 15 by himself, and after graduating from Cal State University, Fullerton, he continued his family’s wholesale business, bringing it to America from Germany. He decided to dive into his passion of inspiring others through fine rugs with unforgettable service and has gone on to establish fine rug galleries in Scottsdale, Sedona, Telluride, and Jackson Hole. David is also passionate about personal growth and is a graduate of Anthony Robbins school of “power of mind over body”, including walking barefoot across fire! As a result of his mission of creating worldwide beauty, a portion of your purchase at AZADI goes directly to weaving a brighter future for women.
AZADI Philanthropy
David lives his life with the philosophy of “Living is Giving”. His mission is weaving a better future for women and creating worldwide beauty. AZADI, with David’s commitment, is involved in many local, national, and global charities. Additionally AZADI is committed to the following annual events:
· The AZADI Annual Turkey Drive (benefiting St. Mary’s Food Bank, The Sedona Community Food Bank, Telluride Angel Baskets and Teton Youth & Family Services)
· The AZADI Angel Program (supporting families in need during the holidays.)
· The AZADI American Dream Art Program (created by David to inspire kids between the ages of 7-18 to dream big in school.)